07 August 2019

August 7 2019

Dear Partner in service,

Sherry had a great morning! She sent this note to me…

While sitting outside on the sidewalk at the office this morning with Bear (her 3 year-old Labrador) doing our meditation, I was interrupted by a young woman. She asked if I remembered her. I said I remember the face but because I meet and teach so many people, I don’t always remember names.

Her name is Leah and some years ago when in grade 6 she had come to the Christian Resource Centre to register for the Mailbox Club lessons. During our testing period to see if she could read, I had corrected her on how to say her “l’s” and “r’s”. She went on to complete most of the lessons in the youth series over the years.

After completing high school, Leah was accepted at University in Lusaka to study Environmental Science and has since graduated with a Bachelor’s Degree in this discipline. Leah said she had stopped by to say, “Thank you, for helping me to be a better reader, to comprehend material and recall what I have read. It has empowered me to be a stronger student throughout my education. I just wanted to let you know that you made a difference in my life.”

I must admit, tears came to my eyes. To think that this young woman attributed a part of her academic success to the fact that she had studied Bible lessons and learned how to be a reader through this ministry. It is encouraging to have these little testimonials from time to time.

Finally, she wanted to let me know that the Lord has provided a man in her life who loves and serves the Lord. They will be married in the months to come. Praise the Lord for His loving kindness and the privilege of seeing the fruit of our labor.

When someone asks us why we are here we think about young ladies like Leah and realise that God put us here for her and thousands of others just like her.

Your faithful, consistent prayers and support enable us to continue to be available to share the love of God and remain…

Together in His Service,
Patrick & Sherry