Wow! It hardly seems possible that 25% of the year is gone into the dust of history! I am still getting used to writing “2023” in my correspondence!
The ministry here is moving at a fast pace in spite of challenges set before us. We were “warned” in James chapter one of trials and troubles in life, but with that came the promise that these trials would strengthen us for future service.
The chapel suffered TWO break-ins in March. The first was minor. A water barrel and a few tools were taken from our garden shed. We reinforced the door with a steel gate, but the thieves returned and went through the roof to steal more items They ripped the power cables from the chapel and the pole, taking with them the major service cable. They then tore the water tank from the wall, but realised that the tank had access points for the water pipes, so they left it and simply broke what they could not steal. The work was repaired within the week and the Electric Company promised to replace the service cable… We are waiting on that promise to be fulfilled. We went one Sunday without water. Last Sunday we had water but no electricity. One of the ladies in the church works for the electric and she is calmly encouraging the maintenance team. We were able to cover the cost of repairs from funds in another program under our direction and trust we will be able to replace these soon.
In spite of this, the atmosphere in the congregation is one of enthusiasm. This coming Resurrection Sunday we will have a picnic on campus and celebrate the resurrection of the Christ and His return to collect the saints. As we see the world getting more and more corrupt, we can only hope that His return is soon!
I had the opportunity to speak on the new radio station in town. The interviewer wanted to ask me what our church believed, but we began talking about what it really meant to be a disciple of Christ and not “just” a professing believer. Before we realised it the hour had passed. He said that he wanted me to return and talk about the church. Waiting for that invitation!
Sherry’s local ladies Bible Study continues their in-depth study of Habakkuk. Sherry has already prepared 19 lessons on that 3-chapter book. The ladies actually come early to copy her notes from the board as some of them don’t read well so the notes help to reinforce the lesson and spur questions.
In addition, Sherry is involved in a virtual Ladies’ Bible study every Tuesday afternoon (our time) where they are studying the book of James. Sherry taught the second chapter and that was two lessons. Next, she will lead the study of chapter five. To be a part of this study with ladies literally on the other side of the planet is a great encouragement to her.
Your prayers and the notes we occasionally receive from prayer partners is also a great encouragement. Because of you we are able to remain…
Together in His Service,