11 September 2019

11 September 2019

Dear Partner in Service,

The Christian Resource Centre has been quite busy over the last 5 weeks with school having been out and it being the
longest school break of the year leading up to final exams for grades 7, 9 and 12. With long school breaks come more
students registering in the Bible Correspondence Lessons (Mail Box Club). The current span between ages of those studying
the lessons is 10 years to 80. It never ceases to amaze us the hunger of the people for the Word of God. Of course, the
certificates awarded at the completion of each series is a definite incentive, but by and large, the courses are appreciated
for personal knowledge and growth which is the aim of providing this facility for free to those who wish to know more
about the Savior and His love for them.

Over the last number of months, 790 courses have been distributed and 82 certificates of completion have been awarded.
One young man was in yesterday asking when he would complete his current series and begin “more difficult” lessons.
Sherry smiled and informed him that it is a process, but at the moment he has three more lessons to complete to receive
his certificate. “O man….” You had to be there.
Another student asked when he can begin discipleship. His big brother will begin after he completes grade 12 exams. He
doesn’t want to be left behind. He was advised to finish the entire program then he can begin the discipleship course. He’s
14 years old and in grade 10. Please pray for the many who are enrolled in the courses.

A former student of Sherry’s, from the Mail Box Club and youth group, will be paying her a visit today. He is currently
leading a local church in a mining community quite far from us and has been seeking additional material for the Sunday
School and for group discipleship. It is encouraging to see some of the young people take on full-time ministry seeking to
build the Body of Christ in their home country. Ben will also be carrying Mail Box Club materials with him to begin an
outpost from the local church. We are pleased to see the work continuing the grow and the Zambian’s taking it to the next
generation. We have assisted him in growing his personal library and will be providing more books as he goes back home
later this week. Pray for Ben as he helps to build the local church through outreach and spiritual education.

The Ladies Bible Fellowship will complete their text book, “Hinds Feet On High Places”, today. The ladies have testified to
learning so much about themselves and their response to the struggles in the Christian life. As they look back over the last
months, they can see where they had to “build an altar” of their own and give certain parts of their lives over to the control
of the Lord. Many of us keep certain things under our own control only to experience failure and disappointment. With
each passing week, one altar after another has been built where each laid their lives bare before the Lord, trusting in His
grace, mercy and love. May this continue to be our portion all the days of our lives.
The Men’s Bible Fellowship had their first meeting last Friday. Two more asked on Sunday if they could join. We are starting
with “Basic Christian Training” which will ensure that everybody is “on the same page” as we carry on forward.
On this day when we remember the pain caused by religious hatred and bigotry, we also remember the Lord’s admonition
to love, preach, teach and prepare future leaders to love, preach and teach their community. Thank you for your prayers
and support as we continue…

Together in His Service,
Patrick & Sherry