26 May 2019

News from Zambia 6 March 2019

Greetings from Luanshya!
Ordinarily at this time of the year we have rains every day, for most of the day. This past February and now into March we have gone several days with no rain and then a torrential downpour. In other parts of Zambia the rains have been extremely heavy but here on the Copperbelt, farmers are getting a bit nervous about their produce. Please make this a serious matter of prayer, because we are all dependent on the farmers.
The roads to the various rural churches are, in many cases, impassable. Road maintenance has not been done and the heavy storms are washing away any semblance of a path. I am thankful to have my jeep but it is still a kidney wrenching experience. The church leaders in the villages are being supplied with literature and some are even doing the Bible Correspondence lessons. Much of this is being delivered by bicycle. We are especially thankful for brother Simwanza. Please pray that we will be able to provide him with a better mode of transportation. We have found a battery-operated bicycle at a local dealership. This may be an answer to that need.
Discipleship continues with various students. Even though some of the students have been believers for many years, it is a real eye-opener when they discover how much God teaches on family responsibilities of the father. Sometimes they have the impression that the man is to do the ministry and the woman cares for the home. When I explain that the fathers' first ministry is the home, they are taken aback. What they don't realize is that if their own family is not spiritually fed and led, what kind of example does this make to those whom they are attempting to reach. Please pray for the families of these discipleship students.
The new College and Career Group (Bible Study), doubled in size from week two. Sherry was requested by some young people in the church if she would be available for such a program on Saturday afternoons as they want to have a safe place to gather but yet be able to invite their unbelieving friends. One of the comments Sherry made the other week when she came home was, "it gladdens my heart to hear the laughter of the young people in the back of the building (the Youth Centre)." Your continued prayers for these young lives is deeply appreciated. Please pray for Sherry as she endeavours to reach many who are not being reached through this very unique ministry. One of the lessons just completed covered some of the popular philosophies taught in the colleges: Relativism: (there are no moral absolutes), Pluralism: (there is no truth) and Post-Modernity: (there are no moral absolutes, no true truth and words have no meaning). You may ask "what"? But let me tell you, this hit home with the young people.
On a personal note Sherry and I recently returned from an annual health check. We are both doing well but the doctor noted a pinched nerve in Sherry's back which is causing pain in her left leg. Additional exercise and stretching is the prescription. Your continued prayers for our health, time to rest and energy to keep going is greatly appreciated.
Together in His Service,
Patrick & Sherry