15 December 2008

"How To Pass A Test Without Cheating"

Greetings from Luanshya!

This morning we had a delightful conversation with John Bwalya. John is the young man Sherry and I brought up some years ago when his family kicked him out. He is in Luanshya for continuing education to acquire his "diploma" in Teacher Education. He and his wife were both a bit discouraged by the fact that they have been posted in rural schools for the past four years instead of being transferred back to Luanshya after two years, as promised. As he spoke, he shared that one of his students from the village attained the highest grade 7 scores in the entire zone. Five of his students scored high enough to be placed in the best high school in the District. Sherry shared with him a portion of her upcoming youth lesson on Daniel. Daniel did not want to be where he was, but God wanted him there for a purpose. Sherry entitled the lesson "How To Pass A Test Without Cheating". While we would love to have John and Sarah back in Luanshya-and pray for that end-we know that God has a purpose in keeping them where they are for the time being in order to minister both to the students in the school and the rural church where they are very involved. Please pray for John and Sarah as they continue to serve where God has placed them.

Last Saturday Sherry and I lead a leadership seminar at the Christian Resource Centre. We discussed team building, communication, public speaking and leading with vision. Some of the participants are community leaders and we used this opportunity to share not only basic leadership principles but also biblical truths. While not used specifically as an evangelistic tool, we have had several of the participants talk to us about their spiritual and emotional needs since the seminar. People are really looking for answers and not finding them in their traditional religious settings. We are offering an alternative to "conventional wisdom". Please pray for this rather unusual outreach as we continue to be available.

The expanded audio/visual section of the Christian Resource Centre is being used regularly. We have made available a number of the Christian DVD's in our possession and have set up some viewing areas for those interested in using this facility. There is also a small lounge for people to sit and talk about issues in their lives and yet another section where discipleship can be carried out around a table. We appreciate the assistance of those who have made this expansion possible.

Finally, As you read last week, my father had an angiogram, but the scheduled valve replacement was delayed until after Christmas. It is now scheduled for either 29th or 30th of December. Needless to say this year will end on an interesting note. Please pray for my dad and for us as we are so many miles away.

We celebrate Christmas because it marks the coming together of both God and man in the person of Jesus Christ. Now man can find a way to God through His Son for eternal salvation-and that is something to celebrate!

May you have a joyous Christmas celebration.

In His Service,
Patrick & Sherry