01 March 2006

Marching Orders

Joshua 1:18; 3 teaches us that God leads us to no waters He cannot part, no brink He cannot cross, no pain He cannot bear. Joshua was given very specific orders: "be strong," "go view," "cross over," "remember," and circumcise when he received his commendation to lead God's people into the Promised Land. This brought to mind a statement someone once made-"God specializes in dry sandals." He loves to start with an impossible situation in our lives...and then do the impossible.

When the nation of Israel approached the Jordan, God demanded a step of obedience before they could cross. The priests, like drum majors leading a three-million-member marching band, had to hike to the brink of the flood-swollen Jordan and take that first step into the water. Then-and only then-would God perform a miracle, roll back the waters, dry up the puddles, and send the people across kicking up dust at every step! Dry sandals followed trusting obedience. Where in your life is God waiting for you to take that first step of faith?

It was 8 years ago this month that we took our own leap of faith, ministry wise, by initiating a new Bible correspondence work. Having been involved with the distribution of Emmaus Bible courses for 14 years and serving as a Director, both in the USA and Zambia, we chose to try a new format and simpler yet more extensive curriculum by linking with the "Mailbox Club" also known as Source of Light Ministries based in Georgia, USA. Courses are distributed free of charge to young and old alike and we, ourselves, cover the cost as part of the agreement with Source of Light Ministries. Each student is met in person, interviewed and a relationship developed as every lesson is distributed to and collected by the student from the Christian Resource Centre which we opened also 8 years ago as a venue for the community of Christians for the purpose of personal Bible study and a venue for periodic Bible conferences and seminars.

We began the correspondence work with 25 copies of each title, not knowing how the new material would be received. To our utter amazement the stock ran out in two months time and we've never looked back! Today we have over 3,500 enrolled students in Luanshya alone, place quarterly orders for replacement and new lessons and grant Certificates of Completion on a monthly basis. Granted, some of our students have graduated, others have moved away and others have been promoted to Glory but the fact remains, in taking that step of faith, God has richly blessed His work and we have had a sense of fulfillment ever since. Many souls have either come to know Christ as their personal Saviour or grown in their faith through studying the lessons and making use of the materials in the Resource Centre. Eight years ago we began with with 95 separate lesson books. Today we offer more than 146 and expect to increase the curriculum in the next year, Lord willing, by another 12 books.

Praise the Lord with us, as we continue to "be strong" and courageous, as we "go view" where he asks us in preparation to, "cross over" to the next promise, as we "remember" all he has brought us through in order to rejoice in His goodness.

Thank you for your continued prayers on our behalf as we reach the lost, lift up the downhearted, train new leaders and serve the King.

In His service,
Patrick & Sherry