25 January 2006

Being diligent

"Being diligent to preserve the unity of the Spirit in the bond of
peace." (Eph. 4:3)

This Scripture spells out the goal of the worthy walk: the unity of the Spirit. Jesus prayed for Christian's "that they may all be one; even as Thou, Father, art in Me, and I in thee, that they also may be in Us; that the world may believe that Thou didst send Me" (Jn. 17:21). Our witness to the world depends on our unity as believers.

This weekend we had the opportunity to officiate at the burial of the wife of one of our deacons. She had been sick for some time and the doctors were unable to find the cause of her illness. It is particularly striking, since her husband is a surgical nurse and familiar with and has access to many of the test procedures and yet, nothing had been identified. In keeping with the verse of the week, we saw believers from all over the Luanshya District and beyond come for the funeral and to mourn with the family. The unity of the Body of Christ for the purpose of being with a brother and his family in loss was comforting. Not a moment went by over the last 6 days when our friend wasn't accompanied and supported by a brother or sister in Christ. At the graveside he reminded everyone that his wife is in a far better place and well now, worshipping and praising the Lord. Please pray for those who attended
the services, that they may have seen the love of Christ and the unity of the brethren as they gathered around the family. Please pray, also, for the Chinoya family as they go through this period of loss, pick up the pieces of their lives and continue to witness of Christ and His love.

Early in the week Sherry met with one of the people who frequents the Christian Resource Centre. The friend had many questions about the role of the believer after one comes to a saving knowledge of the Lord Jesus. "If the lifestyle does not change rapidly, is there a problem?" "How about if some years have passed and that person is still unfamiliar with faith and works?" "What about the role of the Holy Spirit in that persons life?" "When should the church step in and discipline the
believer?" Many of the questions tended to focus on the fact that the local churches are failing in the area of discipleship and a consistent mentoring program. People go out and evangelize, introduce the new convert to the church and abandon them. Sherry stated that there is much more to the Great Commission than "preaching the gospel". We are also commanded to teach, baptize and send these people out to fulfill the great commission as well. She went on to introduced the friend to some of the material we use at Fellowship Chapel and invited the friend to participate in some of the training seminars we run on Christian Growth. The plethora of study books in the library plus exposure to the bible correspondence aspect of the ministry should greatly help this searching soul. Please pray for those who seek to know the truth and grow in their faith.

Please pray for the unity of the brethren in each of the local churches. This being the rainy season, we find it difficult to get out to some of the more remote areas. Those church leaders who have been seeking advice and guidance are left to deal with some of their problems in seclusion. Pray that they make godly decisions as they lead their flocks.

Please pray for those coming in to the Resource Centre. Many children are still returning from the Christmas holiday. Grade 9 and grade 12 exam results are due out in the next week or two so we expect activity to pick up once the children know what lies ahead.

Thank you for remembering us in your daily prayers. You are an invaluable member of this ministry team and we appreciate the time you spend upon your knees. May God bless!

In His Service,
Patrick & Sherry