25 May 2005

News from Zambia - 25th May 2005

Greetings from Zambia!

Last Sunday I preached at the rural church in Buntungwa. The last time I was there was the last Sunday in March. At that time I carried notes in Swahili, but the interpreter only spoke English. This time I took notes in English, but the interpreter only spoke Swahili. I had a great time and three precious souls came to a saving knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ after the service. This is why we do what we do!

Two weeks ago I went to the Luanshya golf course and chased golf balls for an hour. (Claiming that I actually "golf" would be an exaggeration.) One of the caddies at the course said he would like to come to church, but Sunday was the busiest day and he had to be at the course if he was going to keep his job. I asked him if he thought other caddies would like to have a Sunday morning Bible study and he said yes so… I went to the golf course on Sunday morning at 7:45 – without my clubs. For two weeks I have had several young men at the “Caddy Shack Chapel”. Please pray for these young men. They are asking a lot of questions about “why do I exist?”

Sherry has started a new series with the College & Career Class. The subject under discussion is Spiritual Living in a Secular World following the life of Daniel. Last week the young people learned about how, from the very first, Daniel maintained his testimony with regard to dietary restrictions as required by the Lord with respect to Jews. It is amazing how out of the many young Jewish men brought into the King’s University of Babylon only four maintained their integrity. As a result, they experienced God’s blessing and began to build their reputation before King and nation. At the end of their "training" period, each oft he young was found ten times wiser than their colleagues and promoted to high positions of service as advisers to the King. This week the class will be looking at chapter 2 and will learn the importance of consulting God in the challenges of life.

The long awaited courses for the Source of Light Correspondence Bible School have arrived, but we are already running short of the initial courses limiting new enrollees. A new order has been made. Please pray that this order arrives quickly.

We did have a very interesting visitor in the Christian Resource Centre last week. While I was talking with a couple from the Congo an Indian man with a turban walked into the library. He stood patiently at the door until I asked him what I could do for him. He handed me his laminated card which identified him as a "palmist" and asked me if he could read my palm. I declined his offer. It was the first time I had ever met a door-to-door palm reader. The occultists are here in Zambia along with many other false prophets and teachers. We have been asked if we are ministering to "unreached peoples" in Zambia. The fact is, we are ministering to people who have been "reached", but they have been "reached" by people with the wrong message.

We appreciate your prayers on our behalf as we continue…

In His Service,

Patrick & Sherry